Reflecting on being vegan

Today I am taking a moment to pause and think about the changes I’ve cultivated since becoming vegan.  Now while I haven’t undergone a dramatic transformation, the changes I have experienced are significant to me.  My husband and I went vegan overnight, after watching the documentary “Earthlings”.  There was just no going back after that film.  

I’ve learned there is no right nor wrong way to go about making the change.  In fact, a gradual transition is promoted by many, which is a more comfortable way to go.  Changing from the standard American diet to fully plant-based may wreak havoc on your gut, and your microbiome, so giving yourself a minute to become accustomed to changes is smart.  

I’ve noticed the headaches that I used to get twice weekly have been drastically reduced.  Now I have only a handful of them annually.  Just this one change alone has made a huge improvement in my daily life!  Not needing to constantly take medicine for my headaches or needing to recover from the meds afterward has been such a wonderful change of pace! 

Heartburn is a thing of the past.  Prior to embracing veganism,  I didn’t have it frequently, but I did have it. However, in the three and a half years since becoming vegan, I haven’t had any heartburn.  Not once!  For someone who has multiple gastrointestinal and esophageal cancers in her family, this is a relief!  

From a pure vanity standpoint, my skin has become so much clearer since becoming vegan.  Admittedly I also changed my skin care products so that they were all not only vegan, but cruelty-free.  I try to stick to products which have few ingredients, and those without a lot of chemicals in them.  This means far fewer chemicals that my skin is absorbing.   Breakouts are few and far between, and they tend to occur when I’ve eaten too much vegan junk food! 

I’ve noticed I no longer feel tired or bloated after meals.  I feel lighter and more energized all around. That is hugely beneficial and who wouldn’t like that?!

At first it was challenging when cooking to come up with vegan meals, but  it truly does get easier as time passes.  As I’ve become more familiar with different substitutions to use, it has become easier for me to convert those old favorite meals into plant-powered foods that truly nourish us.  By substituting just a few ingredients and cultivating an open mind to try all kinds of new foods, we’ve been really enjoying our plant-based lifestyle! 

I’ve developed ninja label-reading skills.  Often there are sneaky ingredients that aren’t vegan.  Becoming familiar with these terms has helped me to shop more wisely and I have fewer stumbles along the way.  Companies often change the ingredients in a product they offer, occasionally throwing in some weirdly named ingredient to trip me up.  So before any food goes into my cart, even if I’ve purchased that item previously, I’ve learned to read that label.

Grocery shopping must take me soooo long you may be thinking.  Well, it actually doesn’t, because the vast majority of my food intake consists of whole plant foods, not prepared foods.  Those items don’t have “ingredients”.  Things like grains, beans, produce, nuts.  

Of course, these are just some of the changes I’ve noticed, and yours obviously will be different.  Out of all the changes, not a single one was for the worse.  Our Moms always told us to eat more fruits and veggies, and they were right all along! 

So, circling back to the idea of gradually changing to a plant-based diet…  We are doing a 31-day challenge in January to help those who want to try this lifestyle to make the transition a week at a time.  If you are interested, we invite you to join our new Facebook Group: Marching Seasons Plant-Based Lifestyle.  We will be walking through a gradual transition throughout January.  If you have any questions or want to see any particular topics, the group is a great place to ask!  Hope to see you there.  

Until next time, wishing you the happiest of New Years, and bidding adieu to 2020, the year that overstayed its welcome!



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