By Sara

Are stress reduction techniques on your daily to-do list? Do you have any activities that you do regularly to reduce strain in this season of life?

Have you ever had a physician tell you that you “need to reduce your stress levels”?  If so, you know that it is much easier said than done! 

How exactly does one reduce stress levels in their everyday life?  What do you do if you have a stressful job? Or stressful home life?  Or constant worries about one thing or another?

Stick with us to learn some useful strategies to help bring calm and increase your feelings of wellness.  

“Rather than focusing on how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are.”

— Anonymous

The thing to remember with these approaches are that the effects are cumulative, rather than immediate.  The more you do them, the better results you’ll achieve.  Practice improves your stress reduction super powers. 

Don’t be shy about adding a couple of different techniques to use on the regular.  Try out different activities to see if a couple are better fits for you than others.

First, start your day off on the right foot, with a plan for your day. By organizing your morning you’ll have less stress and rushing which can set you up for success throughout the day. 

Additionally, good nutrition (aka a healthy breakfast to fuel you) and a positive attitude can work wonders for being able to let stressful situations roll off your back. 

Stress reduction with Meditation:

There are several apps available, some are for a cost that can help you to learn to meditate and used regularly can help you to reduce stress levels.  Some can even guide you through progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises.  Many will use guided imagery to help you to relax.  All of these techniques are valuable and will benefit you over time.  

I have the Calm app which does many of the above.  My employer even has a discount site with a discount on this app.  If you like it, they have a lifetime subscription that you can purchase.  I have no affiliate with Calm, it is just a tool I use and enjoy.

Alleviate Anxiety with Aromatherapy:

Whether you light a scented candle, or utilize a diffuser with essential oils, aromatherapy can help to take the edge off your stresses. Lavender is a great choice.  Scents you enjoy can help to relax your brain.

Stress reduction with Coloring:

Color a page in an adult coloring book; coloring has been found to have a meditative effect, and can reduce anxiety levels.  It does so by taking your attention away from what is causing your stress.  Your brain focuses on this simple action which helps your brain to relax.  It’s hard to mess up coloring and if you do, there is no consequence.  This isn’t just for kiddos any more!

Eliminate Worry by Journaling:

Keep a gratitude journal; write down what you are grateful for each day to start your day off on a positive note.  This can improve your physical and mental health.

Or you could simply keep some paper by your bed, and write down your worries before bed each night, so that you can effectively put them out of your mind.  In addition to helping you sleep better, you may find you wake with some creative solutions to problems you wrote down.

Exercise regularly: 

This can help you get not only physically healthier, but also is a great stress reliever.  Try taking short walking breaks throughout the work day, whether that means taking a 15-minute break, or taking 10 to 15 minutes of your lunch break to take a brisk walk.  This will help you to both blow off steam, and help to lift your mood.  Your coworkers with thank you for it!

Stop using tobacco and nicotine products:

Many people think having a cigarette or chew can help to decrease their stress level, but actually the opposite is true.  Did you know these have an overall effect of making all your blood vessels constrict, or become more narrow which effectively reduces blood flow through them?  This causes heart rate and blood pressure elevations.  And don’t forget the cravings and withdrawals if you go too long between cigarettes. This habit is just not worth the negative consequences it causes.

Some of the stress reduction activities I enjoy include meditation, adult bedtime stories and progressive muscle relaxation techniques with my Calm app.  I also dabble with both coloring and a gratitude journal.  Regular exercise and good nutrition are also non-negotiable for my wellness. 

Sometimes I’ve noticed great ideas come to me either while meditating or while walking my dogs.  Having my phone close and Notes app handy helps me to jot those ideas down, letting me continue on without stressing about remembering those gems.

What do you do for stress reduction?  Did you find a technique you want to try?  Please comment below to let us know!

If you are interested in other lifestyle changes, please check out the following posts:

Dietary Lifestyle Change: A Powerful Tool for Your Toolbox
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