By Sara

Getting enough quality sleep is so important for physical, mental, and emotional health.  Are you getting a restful night regularly so that you function optimally throughout the day?  Up to 95% of the population needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for optimum health and functioning. 

Health Benefits of Quality Sleep:

But why is this the case?  While you are sleeping, your body’s cells are busy with “upkeep”.  This is when the magic of healing and regeneration happens.  Tissues are repaired, and new cells grow.  Your immunity is built up while you’re fast asleep. 

While you are sleeping is also when growth hormone is secreted.  Not only is this important for growing children, but also for adults!  In adults, this hormone helps to promote the development of mass and muscular strength.  A night of light sleep or lack of sleep prevents these processes from occurring.  

“Up to 95% of the population needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for optimum health and functioning.”

For example, did you know that not having enough restful sleep results in cognitive loss similar to having a blood alcohol concentration over the legal limit for driving? Just another good reason to make sure you prioritize getting your zzz’s.  Quality sleep is so important for your health and wellness!

So what are some things you can do to improve your odds of getting quality sleep each night?  Developing a good bedtime routine is one of the best strategies.  We’ve come up with a list below– so choose what appeals to you and create your own routine!

How to develop a good bedtime routine:

  • Create a bedtime routine, and stick to it.  This will help you to be able to fall asleep faster, by improving how well you relax.  Decide when you want your bedtime to be, then figure out how much time it takes you to get ready to go to bed (brushing teeth, preparation for the following day, etc).  
  • Decide how you will relax before bed, and decide on an amount of time, 30 to 90 minutes long to get to a relaxed state.  Need some ideas for how to promote relaxation before bed?  You could try reading, listening to relaxing music, practicing deep breathing techniques, stretching or yoga, or meditation.  I have a subscription to an app called Calm that has relaxing meditations, bedtime stories (yes, adults can enjoy these too!), and relaxing music and sounds.  
  • Try drinking herbal tea to help you relax. Or drink a beverage with magnesium in it to help you wind down.
  • Keep your linens clean and fresh, and choose ones that feel good against your skin, and make sure your pillow properly supports your head. 
  • If your spouse’s snoring is waking you up, try some earplugs.  
  • Modify the temperature and darkness in your room (many people get the best rest within a dark, cool room.  
  • Some people really enjoy having a weighted blanket and swear by them.  
  • Diffuse essential oils or spray an aromatherapy spray for sleep promotion onto your pillow.  
  • Remove electronic devices from the bedroom.  
  • Avoid large, heavy meals, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bed.   
  • Limit daytime naps to less than 30 minutes, and make sure not to take naps late in the day.
  • Be physically active throughout the day, since this will help you to be physically more tired and able to fall asleep faster. 
  •  If your mind races with repetitive thoughts or you can’t fall asleep due to something in particular that upsets you, try keeping a journal at your bedside.  Write down your worries and thoughts so that you can “put them away” and feel able to get some rest. 

Do what you need to do to be able to sleep through the night in a deep sleep, every night.  Getting sufficient sleep can help you to manage diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and even depression. There are studies that show that getting inadequate sleep negatively impacts these conditions and more.  

Without a doubt, getting the right amount of sleep each night helps to ensure that your days are more productive and you are better able to handle daily stresses. Your concentration is improved, and your stamina is much better after a good night’s sleep.

As you can see, getting quality sleep is so important for an overall healthy lifestyle.  So which of these strategies do you employ to ensure your rest is optimal?  Or which do you plan to add to your routine to help you to become more rested and prepared for your busy days? 

You may also be interested in these other posts regarding healthy lifestyle changes you can make.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comment below!  We’d be absolutely thrilled to hear from you!

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