Mother's Day Gifts

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Do you have a Mom who is vegan? Does she follow a plant-based diet?  Are you also wondering what you can give her for Mother’s Day that will not go over like a lead balloon? You’re in luck! I’ve gathered some ideas for gifts for your Momma that you’ll be proud to give her! 

First things first: you want to consider what makes your Mom so special when coming up with a gift that will be personal and special to her. Consider something that has a story behind it (extra points if it ties into a special story for her). 

 I know that this is early for a Mother’s Day post, but some items will take some research, as well as thought. And currently, delivery times for personalized goods may take a while.  So shop early! 

Painting course

Find something that will spark a connection, such as:

  1. An online class that you can both participate in either from the same computer together, or from remote computers in an online group setting if you don’t live nearby.  
  2. Maybe an art, writing, or photography course, or learning to cook a particular food.

You will, of course, want to consider your Mom’s interests, hobbies and also things she’s mentioned wanting to learn more about:

       3.) You could complete a project together like building a bookshelf or other furniture item she will treasure.

        4.) Some yard work like assembling a gazebo, or creating an area for her to garden, or establishing a few oversized pots with flowers or veggies of her choice.

          5.)If she already has an established garden but expresses an interest in a plant (or two!) that is aggressive , purchase a nice pot or two that can contain plants like mint or raspberries that would otherwise try to take over if left in the garden.

         6.) Whatever hobby she enjoys, consider purchasing some new materials or replacing some worn items she uses for her hobby, or even upgrading an item that she frequently uses.

Book club

 Absolutely giving your Mom your time is always the best gift you can give for Mother’s Day.  So here are a few ideas that may interest the two of you.

          7.)Take her to a nursery and then spend the day planting a veggie or flower garden.  

         8.) Gifting tickets to a concert or event that she’d enjoy in the upcoming  months (and go with her!)  

         9.) Visiting a museum or craft fair or animal sanctuary or rescue.  

        10.)  Donating  time together at a soup kitchen or charity of her choice. 

         11.)  Ask her to teach you to make a favorite family meal, you do all the work and clean-up as she talks you through it.  

         12.) Take her on a shopping trip or a walking tour to a fun city she’d enjoy.  

         13.) Have a weekend away somewhere nearby.  

         14.) Join a book club together.

         15.) Schedule a spa day for you both to enjoy.  

         16.) StoryWorth: this is a service online that will get weekly stories from a loved one by asking them questions in email format (many that you’d never think to ask!) and binding them into a keepsake book that can be passed down in the family.  It is so neat to learn about family stories that you’d otherwise never have known about.  The coolest thing about this is that StoryWorth also has an audio option if you prefer, so you have your loved one’s own voice telling you their stories, which I think is just SO cool!! 


Consider personalized Mother’s Day gifts from Etsy— this site has so many unique and one-of-a-kind gifts.  

          17.) You could have a piece of jewelry made to replicate her own Mother’s handwriting.  

         18.) Or why not have a favorite recipe framed or printed on a tea towel?

         19.) Purchase a pretty journal for her to journal in about whatever is on her mind.  Don’t forget a good writing pen and a set of journaling markers to give her a pretty way to express feelings she is hesitant to express aloud.

        20.) Grab a pretty pot for a plant she currently has or one she is planning on having.   

        21.) You can have a letter to her printed onto a blanket. 

       22.) Or perhaps, a custom cutting board or an apron. 

       23.) Perhaps you could introduce her to that vegan handbag she’s been drooling over.


Or perhaps she’d enjoy some beauty products that you think she’d like or that she doesn’t yet know about?

24.) Consider introducing her to dry-brushing, and include a fancy shower cap, or a new set of towels, or a bathrobe with the brush. 

25.) Is there a face cream she’d love to try but normally feels too extravagant for her budget? Or how about a beauty tool that is easy to use and makes her skin feel super soft?  Like a Clarisonic (or equivalent)– I’ve been using one of these bad boys for over 10 years now, and honestly can’t live without this!  It gets my skin fabulously clean and exfoliates all in one super easy step!  Unfortunately, the company announced last year that it was closing it’s doors, however these amazing devices can be found at Current Body online. 

Hopefully you’ve had some inspiration for some great and meaningful Mother’s Day gifts.  I’m sure there are so many other ideas I haven’t yet thought of.  If you have some ideas, please let us know in the comments below– we value your input!  And besides, I may need to change my mind about what my mother will be receiving this year!

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